S ACRIFICE – shows how one dedicates himself to enable to serve others by not promoting self Interest rather showing dedication to one’s job.
E XEMPLARY – exemplary actions in performing our duties in serving our Principal and seafarers by continuous learnings, trainings and experience in pursuit of excellence.
A LLEGIANCE – to our Company rules and regulations through loyalty to its Company’s Management. Achieving it with Integrity and Dedication to our job and devoted to the success of our organization.
S ELF DISCIPLINE – will enable to fulfil the job timely and in the right direction.
U NDERSTANDING – the people in the organization as well as its Customers and how one will cope to help others to support each other as SSSI Team.
N OBILITY – in all our actions Having an integrity. We do things right even no one is looking.
S TABILITY – of the business for the coming years as supported by strong foundation and innovation.
H IGHEST COMMITMENT – given by Top Management and its employees in their daily operational duties of quality service to the Principals seafarers and internal and external parties.
I MPROVEMENT – into our work will always be our goal to ensure customer satisfaction at all times.
N URTURE – Continue to nurture Company’s employees and supporting one another’s need to foster good and harmonious relationships in a work-life balanced environment.
E NTHUSIASM – while performing your job, your no longer think it as a work but you enjoy it as your passion and service to other.
More specifically, SSSI is committed to:
- Provide quality maritime officer/crew that will satisfy our Principal therefore increasing their demands to employ more Filipino seafarers.
- Provide quality training programs, facilities, instructors and other needed resources that will ensure skills enhancement of maritime professionals.
- To enhance and improve their potentials, skills and assist the seafarers to have open communication with the Principals through the Manning Agency in order to improve both parties’ service for an improvement.
- Provide responsible professionals/leaders, building good relationship with the seafarers and their families to promote welfare programs for seafarers in order to prepare them for a fruitful retirement.
- Cadetship Program of our company is also provided.