Sea Sunshine Shipping Incorporated

Sea Sunshine
Shipping, Inc.

February 11, 2025 10:29AM
ISO 9001

Data Privacy Policy

SEA SUNSHINE SHIPPING, INC. is committed in safeguarding your personal information pursuant to the provisions of the Republic Act 10173 or the DATA PRIVACY ACT OF 2012. Your privacy is important to us and we want to assure you that SEA SUNSHINE SHIPPING, INC. holds all your personal information in strict compliance with the law, while it allows us to provide the best services you need.


The personal and/or sensitive personal information you provide to identify or contact you such as your Name, Rank, Present Address, E-mail Address, Telephone and Mobile Number, Age, Status, Gender, previous experience from other Companies, Vessels and Principals previously served are necessary information to process your data in relation to you application and to provide you employment, inform you of the status of your application, conducts survey and relate information coming from our Principals basis your onboard performance, evaluation if any. We may also collect information that is publicly available that is not only limited to sources from other Companies, Organization or Third Party partners which already acquired your consent.


In collecting your information, our company’s primary purpose is to able to provide you with the most efficient and effective services of SEA SUNSHINE SHIPPING, INC. in manning services. Your personal and/or sensitive information is guaranteed to be used only for processing of your contract of employment with SSSI and service fulfillment including promoting our services. Trust that your information shall remain free from any breach and our process are in compliance with Law.


SEA SUNSHINE SHIPPING, INC. is prohibited from selling or sharing your personal information to any third party, unless it is required by law. We shall ensure that no unauthorized sharing or distribution of your personal and/or sensitive personal information will happen at our end. SEA SUNSHINE SHIPPING, INC. including all its officers, employees, Principals and third party providers shall be the only parties who can share access to your personal and /or sensitive personal information for the purposes of your application of your contract of employment, processing of your onboard certificates to National Regulatory Administrations, applying visas, flag state licenses and certifications, processing of allotments, customer satisfaction surveys, claims settlement and all other process include under our scope of Provision of Ship’s Crew Manning Services.


You can access and update your personal and/or sensitive personal information as a matter of right, subject to any exceptions as mandated by law. You can review and update any of the information you have given and stored to our system by sending an e-mail to Our SSSI employees will be glad to assist you in updating your information.